We invite you to join us in our inclusive and diverse group, where we value unity above all else. At SALUTE, everyone is welcome, including your partner, kids, and even your furry friends. No matter your background or current situation, you will find a supportive community of individuals who have embarked on their own mountainous journeys, both literally and metaphorically. We believe in acceptance, just like the non-judgmental nature of the mountains we conquer.

Becoming a part of the SALUTE team is an extraordinary experience that cannot be easily described. It requires effort and dedication, but the rewards are unparalleled. Each month, we set our sights on a new summit, pushing ourselves to new heights and embracing the challenges along the way. The best part? It won’t cost you a penny to join us – our goal is to ensure accessibility for everyone.

To stay informed about our upcoming walks and events, be sure to follow us on Instagram @Salute45. Our page will provide you with all the details you need. Remember, it’s not just about physical mountains – it’s about the courage within you to embark on this incredible journey. We are thrilled to have you join our community and cannot wait to welcome you with open arms.

Best regards,
Founder & Coordinator of SALUTE


By participating in SALUTE mountain walks and activities, all individuals do so at their own risk. SALUTE and its organizers, leaders, and members hold no responsibility for any loss, injury, or death that may occur during the events. While SALUTE carries first aid packs and equipment to ensure the safety and well-being of participants, it is essential for each individual to take personal responsibility for their own safety and well-being. It is strongly advised to come prepared with appropriate gear, observe safety guidelines, and follow the instructions provided by the organizers. By joining SALUTE, participants acknowledge and accept that they are solely responsible for their own actions and any potential risks associated with mountain walking.

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