the mountain is our mission.

Our aim is to help, encourage and transfer determination from one person to the next. One individual’s success is another’s motivation. To achieve this, we challenge nature and it’s realistic offerings. We explore and discover. We summit the highest peaks, we push ourselves to the limit and discover new possibilities. We do this, not individually, but as a team and are hopeful to encourage people to join the journey to a better life.

There are no shortcuts to success.

Our brand has been encouraged by the characteristics and ethos of;
StrengthAdaptabilityLoveUnityTrust and Equanimity.

Our main ambition is to translate the challenges of climbing mountains to the challenges that life presents. Climbing in the darkness demonstrates a vital lesson.

You cannot see your destination but one step, then another step further and another after that and eventually you will reach your goal.

Climbing with the exposure of light demonstrates another vital lesson. You can see your next step, and as the mountain summit seems a lifetime away. How do you react? Challenges are presented in life and they are inevitable. Do you hide in the shadows or do you take another step. That is up to you.

We encourage you to explore the mountains, take in the views, conquer the challenges, face your fears and above all strive for better. You never know who you are motivating. Join us on our journey to each summit. Reach for the stars, they are closer than you think!



A clothing brand with community at the heart of it.

In the rugged landscape of the mind, mental health parallels the challenges of climbing mountains. The journey begins with the ascent, where one confronts the steep slopes of anxiety and the biting winds of depression. It demands strength, resilience, and determination, as one faces treacherous terrain and uncertain paths.

There are moments of exhaustion and self-doubt, yet through perseverance, mental peaks are conquered. With each step forward, the view widens, revealing newfound perspectives and inner strength. 

The Cap.

It Can Only be Earned.

The continuous endeavour to success comes at a price, but not monetarily. In a world where nearly everything can be bought, we are proud to say our caps cannot. 

To earn one, you will need the courage to take the first step, the determination to always push further and the humility to finish with a smile. We will stand at your shoulder throughout and on your 3rd summit, award you with the coveted Salute cap. Make no mistake, they do not come easy but no good things do.

Our brand has been built on the shoulders of giants. Salute is the stamp of success. Wear it with pride. 

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